The thought of advancing into the construction phase might feel daunting; but if you plan right and get ahead of any issues, you'll be saving yourself a lot of headache and heartbreak.

Enshrine your priorities in the scope of work document
We cannot emphasize enough the importance of planning. Make sure that your priorities are clearly defined and represented in the contract, and share a copy with everyone. If you won’t be available for day-to-day decision-making, it’s extra important to get your voice heard early on.
Communicate frequently with your team
A weekly or biweekly status report can help identify areas of concern. This should be done at the onset of the project and continue through construction. The construction phase is where there are likely to be changes due to site conditions, availability of products or other factors.
Learn to let go
As much as we would all (your pros included) love for every single tiny detail of a project to turn out perfect, the reality is that some things won’t be possible and problems will arise. Take some deep breaths, revisit your list of priorities, and if it wasn't on the list, consider letting it go.